This is corrected in the home release of the episode.
When Ace meets Shanks, it can be seen that Shanks still has both arms, even though he lost his left arm to the Lord of the Coast. The episode ends with Ace asking why they came to his rescue even when he disobeyed them, and Whitebeard replies that he is his son. The flashback ends with him going after Blackbeard (for killing Thatch) against the wishes of Whitebeard, who told him to stay. It shows his rise among the crew as he is later promoted to become the Second Division Commander. At first he continues to fight Whitebeard but eventually accepts him as his leader and adopted father and befriends the rest of the Whitebeard pirates. It also shows about his battles with Jinbe and Whitebeard, and him joining the Whitebeard pirates. (Parting with Luffy, his days of him as the captain of the Spade Pirates, a meeting he had with Shanks on a winter island, etc.) Roger.Īce then remembers all the events that led him to being the Whitebeard Pirates' Second Division commander. Luffy replies that although his father is Dragon, Ace's father is in fact Gol D. Dragon will come and save Ace, as he would never let his son get killed. Whitebeard himself from the deck of the Moby Dick, comments that it would be better if his son, Fire Fist Ace, is alright. Three other ships, along with the Moby Dick, have infiltrated the bay.
When Ace asks Whitebeard why he came when Ace ignored his advice, Whitebeard says that it was his fault that Ace confronted Blackbeard. However, when Blackbeard turned against the crew and killed Thatch, Ace left Whitebeard on a mission to capture Blackbeard. Whitebeard allowed Ace to become division commander. Soon after Whitebeard offered Ace to join his crew when his battle has ended, Ace attempted to kill Whitebeard to no avail. Ace confronts Jinbe to meet Whitebeard since Ace turned down an offer to become a Shichibukai.
Whitebeard and Ace's past are shown: Ace was the captain of the Spade Pirates.
Whitebeard reveals his Devil Fruit powers in front of the Marines.